About Us


At the University of Tomorrow, we envision a future where transformative education is the cornerstone of societal progress. Guided by our core values of innovation, excellence, diversity and inclusion, ethical leadership, global citizenship, practical application, lifelong learning, sustainability, entrepreneurial mindset, and impactful research, we cultivate dynamic individuals and responsible global citizens who lead with integrity, creativity, and resilience. Our graduates drive meaningful societal change, embracing diversity, and contributing to solutions for global challenges, thereby shaping a world defined by knowledge, innovation, and ethical impact.

Mission Statement

  • Transformative Education: Our mission at the University of Tomorrow is to provide a transformative educational experience that empowers students to synthesize knowledge as dynamic individuals and responsible global citizens.
  • Innovative Approach: Guided by an innovative approach to learning, practical application, and an entrepreneurial mindset, we are dedicated to foster comprehensive subject understanding, analyzing critical thinking ability, evaluate ethical judgement, and apply effective problem-solving abilities.
  • Clear Learning Objectives: Through clear learning objectives, immersive hands-on opportunities, and a commitment to global engagement, we equip our students to lead successful careers, apply meaningful societal contributions, and adapt to the evolving challenges of our rapidly changing world.
  • Excellence and Impact: As a beacon of excellence, we are committed of shaping leaders who embody knowledge, innovation, and a drive for ethical and economic impact on a larger scale.

Core Values

  • Innovation: We value innovative thinking, embracing new ideas, and pioneering approaches that redefine education and its impact on society.
  • Excellence: We uphold a standard of excellence in all our endeavors, ensuring rigorous academic quality, outstanding research, and a commitment to continuous improvement.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: We foster an inclusive community that celebrates diversity in all its forms, promoting respect, understanding, and collaboration among individuals from various backgrounds.
  • Ethical Leadership: We emphasize ethical decision-making, cultivating leaders who demonstrate integrity, responsibility, and a commitment to the betterment of society.
  • Global Citizenship: We instill a sense of global citizenship, encouraging students to engage with the world, embrace cultural diversity, and contribute to addressing global challenges.
  • Practical Application: We believe in hands-on learning and the application of knowledge, preparing students to navigate real-world complexities and make tangible contributions.
  • Lifelong Learning: We promote a culture of continuous learning, encouraging our community to adapt, evolve, and pursue personal and professional growth throughout their lives.
  • Sustainability: We are dedicated to sustainable practices, striving to be environmentally responsible and contributing to solutions for global sustainability challenges.
  • Entrepreneurial Mindset: We nurture an entrepreneurial spirit, equipping students with the skills and mindset to innovate, take calculated risks, and drive positive economic change.
  • Impactful Research: We value research that addresses real-world issues and has a meaningful impact on society, guiding our efforts toward creating positive outcomes.

These core values serve as the guiding principles that shape the culture, actions, and aspirations of the GIFT University, creating a foundation for the fulfillment of our vision and mission.

Chairman’s Message

GIFT University envisions an education model emphasizing holistic learning, practical application, an entrepreneurial mindset, and socio-economic development. We aim to nurture graduates with in-depth & breadth knowledge, critical thinking, ethical decision-making, and effective problem-solving skills. Through clear outcomes, immersive experiences, and a global perspective, we prepare students for successful careers, impactful contributions, and adaptability in a changing world.

Muhammad Anwar Dar
Chairman, GIFT University

Rector’s Message

GIFT University is an Emerging Entrepreneurial University in Pakistan, which focuses on technological advancements as the key drivers of innovation and entrepreneurship. GIFT University is working to spearhead the entrepreneurial revolution in Pakistan by promoting environmentally, socially, and ethically sensitive businesses and a nation-building mindset. GIFT University has positioned itself to be an Innovator in curriculum design, pedagogy, future technologies, and alternative management and business models. The University offers lifelong learning opportunities to people of all ages and prepares a new breed of human beings for the gig economy. 

Dr. Shahid Qureshi
Rector, GIFT University

The GIFT University education carries a strong emphasis on foundational knowledge, applied research, and hands-on experience with real-world challenges. The curriculum at GIFT University is developed with the motto of “converting knowledge into practical experience”. The applied perspective is reinforced through its center for entrepreneurial development (GIFT-CED), various business incubators, experiential learning, and a thoughtfully designed social interaction program. 

The University is working on preparing well-rounded individuals with an entrepreneurial mindset I.e., finding their best self (concept of Khudi), belief in resource abundance, a sense of purpose (looking beyond profit), sense of wonder (seeing the world through an effective lens) and service. We believe that the application of the entrepreneurial mindset can help the youth in not only new venture creation but also help existing business, private and governmental organizations in terms of problem-solving, introducing innovation, and growth. 

The participants can apply this mindset along with their knowledge in Business, Computer Science, Arts, Mass Communication, Textile, Fashion Design, etc to navigate real-life situations, putting what they learn into practice to make a difference on campus and around the world. At GIFT University, we encourage young and energetic minds to step up to share their innovative business ideas for new startups, SMEs, and large corporations. 

GIFT University provides active support to our students and graduates in international exchanges, admission for higher education in leading foreign universities, and career placements in medium and large corporate organizations.

We look forward to welcoming you to the GIFT University Family to be a part of the nation-building journey.


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Director’s Message

As the Director of the GIFT Centre for Entrepreneurial Development and Business Linkages (CEB) at GIFT University, I am privileged to lead a center deeply committed to advancing entrepreneurial education and strengthening industry connections. At CEB, our mission is to empower our students with the essential skills and creative mindsets required to transform their entrepreneurial visions into tangible successes, while simultaneously making significant societal impacts. We pride ourselves on fostering a dynamic environment where rigorous academic learning seamlessly integrates with practical, real-world challenges. Our strategic industry linkages are vital, providing students with unparalleled access to internships, mentorships, and real-time market exposure, significantly enhancing their employability and career readiness. By immersing our students in this rich ecosystem that promotes ethical practices and professional excellence, we prepare them not only to excel in their chosen fields but also to drive meaningful change in their communities and the global economy. Join us in our commitment to nurturing the entrepreneurial leaders of tomorrow, equipped to thrive in an evolving marketplace.